Our Products
MTJA will create a new abstract for platting or estate purposes, selling needs, or replacing lost abstracts. New abstracts are created under the Forty Year Marketable Title Act (Iowa Code §614.29-.38) All matters of record prior to the date of the recording of the root of title are omitted except plats and surveys, easements, party wall and other boundary line agreements, and unexpired recorded leases, which are searched from government entry to current date.
The building of a 40 year certified Abstract
MTJA will update your abstract to a current date for selling or refinancing needs. A Continuation is a search of public records for a specific real estate and the title holders.
Updating of exsisting Abstracts
MTJA can provide a Certificate of Title. The certificate shows the legal description, titleholder, mortgages, judgments, liens, and the tax status of specific real estate. This report is an abbreviated version of a title search and does not include easements, restrictions, plats, surveys, and miscellaneous information that may affect the real estate, unless specifically requested. The Certificate of Title is less expensive than an abstract continuation but is limited in the information shown.
Certified Lien Searches
MTJA can perform a closing search prior to a real estate closing or document filing. This is a search for a change in status of information previously provided through an abstract or certificate of title within a short period of time. We appreciate a two-day notice for all closing searches so that we can provide the most current and up-to-date information for you prior to your closing.
Lien searches prior to and after closing
MTJA can prepare a variety of reports to suit your needs.
Reports of Ownership to show all property in Mahaska County owned by a certain entity.
Personal Lien Search, a 10-year lien search over a particular person.
Foreclosure Searches
Department of Transportation Reports
Utility Reports
We can also prepare new Legal Descriptions for you as your property changes or is developed.
Notary Services: MTJA has Notary Publics on staff for your notarization needs. Upon providing verification of identification, our Notary Publics will acknowledge signatures in compliance with the State of Iowa.